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Helen Fryer

My new solo exhibition, "Helen Fryer, Returning Home" will be opening on 10th November at Castlegate House Gallery, Cockermouth. It includes around 30 new works from the last year, covering the period since my return to the area in Cumbria in which I spent my formative years. This time, though, I've experienced it through the eyes of an Artist, and I hope I've captured its many moods.

The new works will be uploaded to this site over the coming weeks.

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Helen Fryer

I've just completed Dusk draws on, a commission for a customer in London who wanted something similar to one of my previous pieces. For a bit of fun, I recorded a time-lapse video to document how I went about producing a painting. See if you can spot my little helper!

You'll see that I make a lot of use of my iPad, not only as a reference for the image I'm creating, but also to take pictures of the work in progress so that I can get a different perspective on it and experiment with the framing.

I hope you find it interesting.

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